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Image 2018-06-06_16-46-13-293.jpeg



• Height: 5'2"

• Weight: 97lbs

• Bust: 32"

• Chest: 30"

• Hips: 29"

• Waist: 22"

• Shoe size: 7

• Dress size: 0

• Pant size: 00/0

• Shirt size: XS

• Neck: 11.75" 

• Inseam: 28"





Hazel Eyes

Dark Brown Hair

Non Union



Jessica Ross 1.JPG


Height 5' 3" (1.6 m) 


Born in Los Angeles and into the entertainment industry, Jessica has worn a variety of hats. From hosting local and Internet television shows to acting in Independent films, real estate, and PR work, she considers herself a slashee in the best sense of the word...




Height 5'10

Weight 138 lbs 

Bust 32 B

Waist 26

Hips 36

Dress 2-4

Pants 4

Shoe 8.5 





Blue Eyes


Non Union

More About Jessica:

At only the age of seven I began modeling. Working with stock photos and other professional talent. Landing on the front cover of “Mature Living April 2001”. Shortly after I began filming for Edwin McCain’s “Alive” music video. Since then have worked on the reboot series for ABC’s Charlie’s Angels, Featured Extra in VH1’s America’s Next Top Model and have recently worked on Paramount Pictures 13 reasons Why...


latm WEst coast MAIL CENTEr:

8605 Santa Monica Boulevard, ##96543

Los Angeles, California 90069


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Los Angeles Talent Management, LLC (“LATM”) does not perform, or represent itself and market its business as able to perform legal services. LATM does not offer legal services or legal advice. LATM does not offer business or tax advice. LATM renders only non-legal talent management services. In the process, LATM may help it’s talent in finding the appropriate professionals for legal, business or tax advice.  LATM services are not substitutes for the advice or service of an independent lawyer. The decision to retain a lawyer is an important one, and one that must be made carefully based on independent judgment and evaluation of that lawyer. This web site ("Site") is only one source of information among the many sources that are available. Multiple sources should be utilized in order to make an informed lawyer selection decision.


LATM services and this Site are not intended to create any attorney-client relationship, and the use of LATM services this Site does not and will not in any circumstance create an attorney-client relationship between you and LATM. LATM is not a lawyer referral service and LATM services and this Site and other resources and information are for personal use only.


This Site provides content that is for general informational purposes only, and not to be considered legal advice, and may not reflect the current law in the jurisdiction of the Site’s user and/or reader (“User(s)”). This Site provides access to independent lawyers, including general information related to the law, and lawyers designed to help the Users safely cope with their own legal needs. No information contained in this Site should be construed as legal advice, nor is it intended to be a substitute for legal counsel on any subject matter. No User of this Site should act or refrain from acting on the basis of any information included in, or accessible through, this Site without seeking the appropriate legal or other professional advice on the particular facts and circumstances at issue from a lawyer licensed in the User’s state, country or other appropriate licensing jurisdiction. By using this Site, you are a "User" and you accept and agree to the terms stated within this Legal Notice and Terms of Use as a legal agreement between you and LATM, for which LATM may revise at any time and without notice.


This Site does contain lawyer communications, including but not limited to computer-accessed communication, and specifically lawyer weblinks. All such communications have been pre-approved by the lawyer and retained by the lawyer for a specified period. Moreover, all such communications are hereby labeled as "Attorney Advertising."


LATM will never make specific referrals for the User to a specific lawyer or other professional service. The User is solely responsible for making a selection of a lawyer or other professional service and determining whether the information obtained through the use of this Sites is suitable for the User’s purposes. Any agreements regarding legal services or fees must be done outside the scope of this Site and is strictly between the User and the third party and does not involve LATM in any way. LATM does not receive any portion of any lawyer's or law firm's fees. LATM is not involved in or responsible for any transactions that might occur, and LATM does not guarantee that such transactions will occur. The release and security of any sensitive or confidential information transmitted by the User to any lawyer or professional service is the User’s sole responsibility. This Site contains web links to independent third party legal services, but even so LATM does not recommend or endorse any particular lawyer or legal service and makes no representation, guarantee or warranty (express or implied) as to the legal ability, competence, quality, or reliability of any legal services provided by any of these lawyer services.


Rule 1-400 of the State Bar of California Rules of Professional Conduct (the “Rule(s)”) governs lawyer advertising and solicitation. Compliance with Rule 1-400 is required when a non-legal service is used to promote the legal services of the lawyer or firm. A law firm or lawyer cannot use a non-lawyer employee or a separate entity to solicit business for a lawyer or firm in a manner that violates Rule 1-400. (See L.A. Cty. Bar. Assn. Formal Opn. No. 474.). Rule 1-400 applies to solicitations and communications regarding the availability of legal services which are made by the lawyer or a non-lawyer in the course of rendering non-legal services or otherwise.  Rule 1-400 contains two basic prohibitions. It bans solicitations and prohibits communications that are false, misleading or deceptive, which fail to state their true purpose, which are transmitted in an intrusive manner, or which involve vexatious or harassing conduct. (Rule 1-400(D).). There is a broad definition of a "communication." Rule 1-400(A) defines a "communication" as "any message or offer by or on behalf of a member concerning the availability for professional employment of a member or a law firm directed to any former, present, or prospective client." Communications cannot contain any untrue statements or any matter which is false or deceptive, or which tends to confuse, deceive or mislead the recipient (Rule 1-400(D)(1), Rule 1-400(D)(2)). As such, the statements contained in this Site are clearly indicated as communications (Rule 1-400(D)(4)). Moreover, Rule 1-400(C) prohibits "solicitations” to a person known to the sender to be represented by counsel. It is in fact unknown to LATM if the user of this Site is represented by counsel. Furthermore, non-lawyer entity’s website may link to the website of a lawyer or law firm, and vice versa.


A lawyer or law firm's performance of legal and non-legal services may involve the referral of business between the two areas of service. For example, a law firm or a law firm owned entity might first establish a relationship with a client through a non-legal service and, in connection with that service, promote the firm's legal services. In addition, a law firm might promote non-legal services to a client or prospective client.


However, a lawyer cannot "compensate, give, or promise anything of value to any person or entity for the purpose of recommending or securing employment . . ." of the lawyer or the lawyer's firm by a client under the Rule(s).  LATM does not receive any financial benefit or compensation in exchange for the referral of business to any lawyer or law firm.


Rule 1-320(A) prohibits a member from "directly or indirectly shar[ing] legal fees with a person who is not a lawyer," LATM does not provide referral or any type of compensation arrangement with any lawyer that would amount to an impermissible sharing of legal fees with a non-lawyer.  All payments for any legal services are paid directly to the lawyer and not LATM. Pursuant to Rule 1-320(A), LATM does not share any fee with the lawyer. 


Pursuant to Rule 1-300 (Unauthorized Practice of Law) and Rule 1-310 (Forming a Partnership With a Non-Lawyer), LATM does not provide legal services or advice and LATM is not a partner in any law practice. 


A lawyer providing non-legal services through non-lawyer business entities in which non-lawyers also have an interest must also comply with the California Rules of Professional Conduct governing the financial relationships between lawyers and non-lawyers.  LATM does not have any ownership interest in any law firm. Rule 1-310 states that "[a] member shall not form a partnership with a person who is not a lawyer if any of the activities of that partnership consist of the practice of law." 


The Rules require that both the structure of the business relationship and the division of income from non-legal services be separate and distinct from the lawyer's law practice. The entity owned by the lawyer and non-lawyer cannot engage in the practice of law. The two cannot share the legal fees from the lawyer's practice.


A lawyer or law firm may render non-legal services to a client through an entity in which the lawyer has an ownership interest, provided that the lawyer carefully complies with the Rules. This situation creates in the lawyer a financial interest in the subject matter of the representation, and constitutes a business transaction with a client. Any lawyer that may have an ownership interest in LATM hereby complies with the Rules by: (1) making full disclosure in writing of all relevant circumstances surrounding the referral arrangement to LATM and all actual and reasonably foreseeable consequences to the client from that arrangement under Rule 3-310(B)(4); (2) complying with all requirements of Rule 3-300, including obtaining the client's written consent to the arrangement; and (3) ensuring that the lawyer is able to competently advise the client under the circumstances. 


Opinions by the American Bar Association (ABA) have prohibited a lawyer from listing both occupations on letterhead or business cards, on the rationale that the non-legal profession could serve as a feeder to legal services, in violation of the rules against solicitation. (ABA Formal Opn. No. 297 (Feb. 24, 1961); ABA Informal Opn. No. 1248 (Nov. 7, 1972); ABA Informal Opn. No. C-431 (June 20, 1961).) Other jurisdictions also have expressed this concern. (See, e.g., Ohio State Bar Ethics Opn. No. 86-5 (May 29, 1986) [dual practitioner may not use her non-legal occupation as a feeder to her legal practice].)


Finally, in performing non-legal services, a lawyer or law firm cannot divide fees derived from legal services with non-lawyers and cannot allow an entity in which a lawyer or law firm has an ownership interest to engage in the practice of law. No attorney-client relationship exists with LATM and the Attorney-client privilege does not apply. LATM only engages in talent management services that are not rendered as part of the practice of law.


All liability with respect to actions taken or not taken based on the contents of this Site are hereby expressly disclaimed. There is no guarantee or warranty and LATM is not responsible for any loss, injury, claim, liability, or damage ("damages") related to the use of this Site, whether from errors or omissions in the content of this Site or any other linked sites. If the User selects any lawyer services or professional services through this Site or LATM services, the User agrees that: IN NO EVENT WILL LATM BE LIABLE FOR DAMAGES OF ANY KIND (INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, LOST PROFITS OR ANY SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES) ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE LAWYER SERVICES OR FOR ANY LEGAL ADVICE OR WITH ANY PROFESSIONAL SERVICES OR ADVICE, INFORMATION OR SERVICES PROVIDED TO THE USER BY ANY ATTORNEY OR PROFESSIONAL WITH WHOM THE USER MAY MAKE CONTACT THROUGH THIS SITE AND LATM SERVICES. TO THE EXTENT THE FOREGOING LIMITATION OF LIABILITY IS PROHIBITED, LATM’S SOLE OBLIGATION TO THE USER FOR DAMAGES WILL BE LIMITED TO $100.00.


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